Bat One Health (BOH) is a forum for scientists interested in the connections between environmental change and health. We are an inclusive community of collaborators at all career stages. We host monthly seminars, inviting researchers from around the globe to connect and engage in discussions on this critical topic.
Originally, Bat One Health began as a team of researchers funded to explore the interplay between bats, viruses, the environment, and human health. Since then, we have broadened our scope beyond our funded collaborations to become an inclusive community of investigators, at all career stages, who are passionate about understanding the relationships between the environment and health.
Currently, we are transitioning into a global hub for networking and information sharing. We host monthly seminars, inviting researchers from around the globe to connect and engage in discussions on this critical topic. If you would like to participate, please reach out via our contact link at the bottom of the page. We are currently updating our member list to represent our broader mission.
Meet our project team members! Listed below is the person’s name, affiliation, and country of residence/country of origin.